Bulgarian Association of Pharmacoeconomics

Ispor Bulgarian Chapter

We improve decision making for health.
We promote health economics and
outcomes research (HEOR) excellence.

What we deliver

Connections & Collaboration

To serve as a liaison between local researchers, healthcare professionals, healthcare decision-makers and the pharmaceutical industry and technology companies working in the field of health technology economic evaluation and outcomes research.

Knowledge & Research

To promote knowledge in an international context of the application and development of economic evaluation and health outcomes research, as well as research in this field.

Policy Shaping

To collaborate with all stakeholders in the health sector on economic evaluations of medicines and health technologies and on outcomes research on their application

Diversity & Inclusion

To organise seminars, studies, research, conferences, educational and information courses, debates, events, scientific publications in the field of pharmacoeconomics and health economics and health outcomes research

Chapter Officers

Guenka Petrova ISPOR

Guenka Petrova

Founder of ISPOR BG Chapter and Bulgarian Association of Pharmacoeconomics

Professor at the Department of Organization and Economics of
Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia with scientific focus on health economics, health technology assessment and pharmaceutical regulation. Deputy minister of education and science.

Iliya Nikolov ISPOR

Iliya Nikolov

Past President

President of the ISPOR Bulgarian Regional Chapter and vice chair of the Bulgarian Association of Pharmacoeconomics since 2021. Market Access Manager at Astellas Bulgaria.

Maria Dimitrova, ISPOR BG Chapter President

Maria Dimitrova

ISPOR BG Chapter President and Member of the Executive Board of the Bulgarian Association of Pharmacoeconomics

Associate professor at the Department of Organization and Economics of
Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia with scientific focus on health economics, patient engagement in HTA, digitalization in healthcare

Zornitsa Mitkova ISPOR

Zornitsa Mitkova


Associate professor at the Department of Organization and Economics of
Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia with scientific focus on pharmaceutical regulation, quality management, pharmaceutical manufacturing and health economics

Zornitsa Mitkova ISPOR

Konstantin Tachkov

Faculty Adviser

Associated professor at the Department “Organization and economics of pharmacy” Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia. His work primarily focuses on the examination of medication-related issues in adult patients as well as the modelling of costs and outcomes for chronic diseases.


One of the ISPOR Bulgarian Chapter / BAPh’s major aims is to establish trusted partnerships and to participate in the creation of sustainable and effective health care environment for patients, healthcare professionals, society and institutions.

Get In Touch

+359 2 9236 584


Sofia 1000, Dunav 2 str
Faculty of Pharmacy
Medical University of Sofia



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